Fundamental Truths About SEO for Business
The latest myth we heard is that SEO is dead. We don’t want to do SEO for Business. Let’s understand fundamental truths about SEO for Business.
A bend in the road doesn’t mean the end of the road. Similarly, a change in algorithm doesn’t mean SEO is dead. It simply means it’s dead for your business, and it’s time to change SEO strategies for your business.
Many myths like this arose because of ignorance, fear and shortcuts. Let’s have a deep understanding of fundamental truths about SEO for Business. SEO, is like a good diet for weight loss, not seven days diet of eating only three veggies a day.
Debunking SEO Myths
- Good SEO = More visitors = More Profit
- Good SEO = One Time project
- Good SEO = Beating the competition
- Good SEO = Specific Keywords Ranking is enough
- Good SEO = Big Quantity of Backlinks
1. #Misconception 1- Good SEO = More visitors = More Profiting Text Here
Let’s understand this way; more visitors don’t mean more profit as every visitor doesn’t buy. Statistics say most websites have 1-2 % conversion rates from their website traffic, So if 100 visitors see your product page, odds are only 1-2 are potential users.
What are the other 97-99% doing? Clicking away without buying.
#NexIT Tip– Focus on user experience. Think why Google is the best search engine because its primary focus is to enhance the user experience in searching these queries every time they visit. Here debunking one of the most common misconceptions and trying to understand better fundamental truths about SEO for Business.
2. #Misconception 2- Good SEO = One Time project
NexIT, as a Digital Marketing company in Melbourne, comes across such misconceptions a lot. Let’s have another fundamental truth about SEO .Our NexIT experts say it’s more of a mindset due to a lack of knowledge. SEO is not a destination. It’s a continuous journey of Improvement and change in strategies due to some roadwork. Here road work refers to the Google algorithm, which keeps changing to find the best route to travel. Set SEO goals. Ask your Digital Marketing Company for SEO reports. This will help you analyse for continuous improvement.
#NexIT Tip– Invest in a good Digital marketing agency like NexIT Digital Marketing company Melbourne which will set goals for Business. Every business is unique, so its strategies should be. Stay ahead of your competitors with SEO as a continuous improvement process.
3. #Misconception 3- Good SEO = Same old Website
One of the major misconceptions NexIT Web design Services experts face is that they are hesitant to update their website. But it’s critical to update the website like any service a car needs for good mileage and a happy journey. It’s crucial to maintain your website regularly and keep testing it. NexIT website services professionals understand website redesign SEO and have successfully taken care of many such projects.
#NexIT Tip– Hire a good professional who understands website maintenance and redesign without disturbing URLs, internal linking, and other significant technical elements to be taken seriously. Because, in any case, we don’t want to lose established ranking.
A few modern user’s expectations from a website are:
- Easy Navigation and secure payment method
- Responsive design
- Fast Loading time
- Relevant content
Invest in a reliable like NexIT Website services available 24 hours and maintain your website with its ranking with every change in the algorithm on search engines.
4. #Misconception 4- Good SEO = Specific Keywords Ranking is enough
This is one of those SEO myths that was once true but is no longer relevant due to increased competition. The google update of a Hummingbird in 2013 affected ranking positively, making search more relevant to the search engine queries. Hummingbird brought the conversational search to Google, which meant users could type questions using natural language, and Google’s algorithm would understand what they were looking for.
After all, every user is unique so is their search for the same query. Specific keywords would not be enough for your website to stand against competitors.
So, what is the solution?
#NexIT Tip– Keyword stuffing. If specific keywords are good, then using more keywords is just right.
The trick here is to use keyword stuffing wisely in your website/ blog content. So in any way a user looks for a query search engine could crawl your business.
5. #Misconception 5- Good SEO = Big Quantity of Backlinks
In today’s scenario, this is a myth; a long back, it was the truth. What matters is qualitative linking, like a vote of confidence. With today’s update to the algorithm, search engines have the attitude to understand the intention of the linking.
For example, It would be irrelevant to link a digital marketing blog to a health website.
Understand that Google will always trust the link that readers are trusting.
#NexIT Tip– NexIT professional’s advice on creating linking on your local guide like local directories, Yelp, Yellow pages etc. Focus on Qualitative links, not quantitively links